Religious Education

RE Intent
At Newton Longville CE Primary School we are teaching Religious Education so that our children have a firm understanding of the world around them; that they are prepared to participate fully in life in modern Britain. The purpose of our RE is to take pupils on a journey that inspires, captures and enthuses their imagination. The enquiry-based curriculum encourages pupils to engage critically, reflect, analyse and evaluate and communicate their responses to what they encounter. We follow the Oxford Diocesan scheme of work 2023. Religious Education develops knowledge and skills, so pupils can engage in meaningful and considered dialogue with those of all religions and none. We ensure that we meet the Statement of Entitlement, in that Christianity is the majority religion studied in each year group and should be at least 50% of curriculum time. We also learn about different religions and other world views (Humanism).
Our units are assessed each half term and monitored through our RE leads.
Our RE Curriculum
re curriculum overview from september 2024 .pdf
Right of withdrawal
Pupils may be withdrawn from RE or part of RE by a parent or guardian in accordance with Schedule 19 to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998; teachers can exercise their right to withdraw from teaching the subject. However, we hope that all parents and teachers will feel comfortable with the type of religious education being taught at Newton Longville. Parents who wish to withdraw their children must provide written notification to this effect and provide suitable activities for their children. The school will keep pupils safe, but will not provide any work or reading material for pupils who have been withdrawn.