Positive Behaviour

At Newton Longville, we believe strongly in praise as a way to improve behaviour. By living our vision and values every day, we are able to promote good behaviour throughout the school. We also reward children who make those positive decisions with Dojo points linked to their house. We recognise that all children have the right to feel safe and secure and that all staff are here to create the appropriate environment and opportunities for this to happen.
Please read our Behaviour Policy for more information.
As a way of support children and staff, we use Zones of Regulation. From time to time, all of us (including adults) find it hard to manage strong feelings such as worry, anger, restlessness, fear or tiredness, and this stops us from getting on with our day effectively. Children who feel these emotions often find it hard to learn and concentrate in school. We to teach children strategies to help them cope with these feelings so they can get back to feeling calm and ready to learn. These coping strategies are called ‘self-regulation’.