Newton Longville Church of England Primary School

School Travel Plan

Our School Travel Plan (STP) was developed by the whole school community, to promote and facilitate sustainable travel for the school journey. A STP sets out practical initiatives and measures to encourage active, healthy, safe and sustainable travel as an alternative to single occupancy car use.  It aims to enhance the environment for the local community.


The idea behind our Walking Bubble is to create a voluntary car-free zone around our school to encourage everyone who can to 'Get Active' on their journey to and from school. The Bubble should also encourage families that have to travel by car to park at least 5-minutes away from school, creating a safer space for walking, cycling and scooting. By having these restrictions, it also reduces the number of cars parked on pavements outside and close to our school gates, which is one of the main concerns that parents have when walking to school. Reducing vehicles and creating more space will also make it much easier for families to socially distance and feel safer around school gates.  Please support us by using the 5-Minute Walking Bubble.

5 minute walking bubble map.pdf


Advice for Parents

teaching road safety a guide for parents.pdf