PE (Physical Education)

PE Intent
At Newton Longville CE Primary, we strive for all our children to enjoy and be engaged with physical fitness, as well as understanding its importance as part of a balanced lifestyle and its deeper connection to the wider world of competitive sport and personal health.
We endeavour to provide a minimum of two sessions per week, dedicated to sport and fitness. During these sessions, children are inspired and motivated to be involved, both as participants and sports leaders, in a wide range of sporting and skill based activities.
Additionally, the children’s physical education is enriched by professional sports coaches and trained practitioners, who work alongside teachers to help build a rich and thorough sporting experience.
Outside of lessons, every child is given the opportunity and support to join a wide range of sports clubs in and outside of school; as well as involve themselves in termly intra-house sports competitions and regular inter-school competitions across the county. As a school, we strive to provide positive sporting experiences for all our students, supporting their journey toward a healthy future.