Newton Longville Church of England Primary School

Pupil Voice - advocates for change

Our different pupil groups are a really important part of our school community. Children are involved in a democratic process that involves them sharing why they want to be part of the particular group; the classes or houses then votes for their selected representative for school council and house captains.

Our Junior Road Safety Offices, Eco-council and Worship Council have to 'apply' for the position saying why they want to have the role and how they could support the children and staff in the school. 

House Captains

 Our House Captains are children in Red Kite Class (Y6). They are elected three times a year following their presentations to their school house.  They are pivotal in raising money for the school, running fun events for the school and others.  This year the House Captains have also renamed the houses as they felt they needed updating. They wanted to keep the colours, but link the house to something a bit different.

Phoenix Kelpies Perytons

 Our House captains have recenlty held a Bake Off competion - making and decorating cakes linked to Guy Fawkes! 

 Year 5 and 6

 Year 3 and 4

 FS and KS1


School Council

 Our School Council meet at least once a half term to discuss suggestions from classes, decide on the most effective ways to change and improve the school, and then talk to the people who can help to make it happen. School Council regularly share news and information about new initiatives and the important things which are achieved with the whole school. Together we can help Newton Longville Church of England Primary School to continue to grow and succeed, striving for excellence and to work at everything with our whole heart. 

Some of the changes that have been made as a direct result of Pupil Voice through our School Council include: 

  • Development of the outside Friendship Garden and Reading Area
  • Redesigned the Dining Hall with the help of a local designer
  • Pupil Surveys:  School Uniform, Home Learning, Dining Hall name, curriculum, extra-curricular clubs and recommended books for the School Library
  • Promoting an Eco Code:  Please Turn Out The Lights, Recycling, Plastic Bricks
  • Fundraising to provide resources for school, i.e. water bottle carriers for each classroom and a water bottle for each pupil in school, new parking sign for the front of school etc
  • Sponsoring our local charity 'Curly Tails' and in particular Maude
  • Arranging competitions: Buddy Bus Stop Sign


Worship Council

Children from Red Kite Class have an 'interview' if they wish to be on the Worship Council. They are involved in all school assemblies, opening and closing them and supporting the person leading the assembly. They also have a voice in the spiritual and well-being aspects of our school. This includes suggesting fundraising ideas and for whom, suggesting ideas that might help children throughout the school as well as being available to any child for help.

In the past, children have raised money for Children In Need, Red Nose Day, selling poppies for the Royal British Legion and other events of their request during the year. They are currently running a competition for values around the school, raising money for our next door pre school as well as other great ideas. 

Baby Basics - This is our initiative that we run during the school year supporting a local charity. Parents and community members are encouraged to donate anything for children under 6. This includes clothes, toys, nappies etc. These are then collected and shared with families in the local area, not just Newton Longville. 

Junior Road Safety Officers

2024 2025

Our new JRSOs for this academic year. They have begun to work on Road Safety Week Campaign as well as Be Bright Be Seen competition. 


Another superb group of JRSOs who have already organised for a safe space to cross the road in front of our school using cones and signs. Watch their noticeboard for any update in school.

October/November events:  Be Bright, Be Seen competition and Road Safety Week. (for details see our November newsletter)

February events: Posters for road safety around our school competition, Badge Design competition with Living Streets.


Clubs that are designed by our children, for our children and run by our children.

We encourage children at Newton Longville to have ideas and a vision. This includes supporting them when they want to run their own clubs (as well as the clubs our TAs run). These happen during lunchtime. 


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