
Reading Intent
At Newton Longville School, we believe that reading is integral to a child’s understanding and appreciation of the world around them – a platform for them to see beyond the world they already know.
Our vision is to encourage a life-long love of reading and books: from the early stages of learning phonics and decoding the English language, we promote a positive, enthusiastic approach to teaching reading. Hearing quality texts read aloud each day also plays a pivotal role within this. An in-depth comprehension of the text is vital from the beginning, supporting learning across the whole curriculum.
We aim to provide the children with a range of quality texts, within a Literacy rich environment, and to inspire the children to choose reading for pleasure, to develop knowledge of themselves and develop the vocabulary they need to effectively express themselves.
In order to begin their reading jounrey securely, we use Rocket Phonics as our scheme for Early Years and Key Stage One. We also support our neighbouring pre-school with this scheme as well to ensure strong, smooth transition.
Writing Intent
At Newton Longville, our vision is to provide a range of writing opportunities across the curriculum. Writing is a fundamental life skill, which we teach through phonics- with a strong link to reading. We aim to teach the essential building blocks of writing, such as grammar, punctuation and spelling in a meaningful way. This is taught alongside building the composition of a piece of writing, to engage a reader and we foster the children’s enjoyment of writing. See below for our full detailed intent, implementation and impact statement.
intent implementation impact document november23.pdf